Angle Consulting LTD and UK SPORT


Angle Consulting and UK Sport started working together in 2005. UK Sport was looking for cutting edge design and original solutions to sporting problems, with the express purpose of helping athletes win medals. For this reason, Angle Consulting has tended to work exclusively with Elite Athletes - proven medal winners, or very strong contenders for medals.

It is important to appreciate that there can be no detailed description of the equipment designed for UK Sport by Angle Consulting, as this would potentially compromise the competitive advantage that UK Sport is striving to give Britain's elite athletes.

Work to date has dealt with the development of training and measurement devices for Cycling, Bob Skeleton and Wheelchair Racing.

In all cases, solutions were carried through from concept to realisation, design through to manufacture.

In each of the above sports, the philosophy and discipline developed during a decade in Formula 1 comes to the fore. Cutting edge solutions are designed and manufactured fast, accurately and repeatedly.

In one case, a new, custom, design for the Bob Skeleton team was manufactured in the UK, packed and delivered for testing in Lillehammer barely 2 days later.